DMPG’s Cookie Audit & Consulting Services
Cookies have underpinned the web for over two decades but they are increasingly unreliable and a sunset horizon is coming in 2023. We will help you to understand your exposure & mitigate the risks
Cookie Research: Context
*See our report Counting Cookies: The Reliance, the Risk, and the Remedy produced in collaboration with Observe Point & Similarweb.
**Source eConsultancy link
DMPG Services & Support
The risk of doing nothing is significant, third-party cookies are commonly used in advertising targeting & personalisation, site performance measurement, site functionality such as live chat, surveys, sharing buttons, and necessary for payments and login functionality.
DMPG can help you to become confident that you and your users aren’t going to be impacted in 2023.
Cookie Confidence – Benefits
Businesses that understand their cookie landscape and mitigate dependencies ahead of time will position themselves as well as possible to support:

Impact Minimisation
Action can be taken to migrate as many third party cookies to first party where possible, review and mitigate tech dependencies where possible

Strategic Alignment
Media dependencies and impact, once understood can be managed with adjustments and or reallocation of budgets ahead of time

Data Quality
Where measurement and attribution dependencies are identified alternative tech and approaches to implementation can be developed

Site Functionality
Key dependencies which could impact site functionality and in turn user experience can be mitigated before problems and errors emerge

Media Efficiency
Media dependencies and impact, once understood can be managed with adjustments and or reallocation of budgets ahead of time

Trust Practices
Trust practices can be implemented or updated to help reinforce and extend user relationships and support first party data initiatives