Examples of who we helped…

Joules had ambitious plans to transform & personalise the on-site experience, looking to DMPG for strategic guidance & delivery support. We first worked on a series of quick wins, proving value & locking in support for the program, before implementing a robust & customised personalisation framework, mapping the evolution of the Joules customer to a single, universal language which has since been used to measure performance of all CROP activity. We are now working hard to build a trove of globally relevant & easily applied learnings, to ultimately serve as a platform for automated personalisation.

RS Components
RS had a small team and big plans to rapidly expand personalisation into 32 global markets, affecting all of their vast & diverse product range. DMPG effectively served as the dev-team for this project, helping RS to over-shoot ambitious revenue targets & secure long term stakeholder buy-in. At the offset we implemented our custom product recommendations tracking solution (via Adobe Analytics), which busily constructed an arsenal of granular, highly actionable performance data, to be used as the bases of our end of phase deep-dive analysis (Inform). Here we called out and objectively evaluate each evolution opportunity based on revenue potential plus complexity, helping the RS team maintain revenue growth long after maximising on-site coverage, avoiding a common pitfall with such programs.